
  • Plant window boxes. Prune spring flowering shrubs once they have finished blooming. Thin seedlings.

  • Use balanced, organic fertilizers around flowers. Fertilize annuals with liquid fertilizer to promote continuous blooming.

  • Stake tall perennials and tomatoes. Use pine needle mulch for blueberries.

  • Be sure the lawn mower is set to cut the grass high.

  • Divide iris' when they are done blooming.

  • Plant gladiolus corms.

  • Dead-head spent plant and shrub flowers.

  • Remove rhubarb seed stalks as they form.

  • Cut back perennials such as dianthus, veronica and other similar shrubby varieties, to will possibly produce a second bloom.

  • You can make softwood cuttings of shrubs this month through July. You may still plant container grown shrubs.

  • Plant broccoli seed for fall harvest.

  • Move house plants outside to a shady, protected spot and lightly feed with half strength fertilizer. Mulch perennials and roses to keep down weeds and conserve moisture.

  • Lookout for Japanese beetles either early or late in the day and shake them into a bucket of soapy water. Put annuals outside. Move amaryllis outside.

  • Pinch leading stems of chrysanthemums to encourage bushiness and blossoms. Do this every 6 inches as they grow.

  • Spray the Natural insect repellant to control apple maggot flies. Stop cutting asparagus when new spears get pinkie-finger thin. Let them grow into ferns.

  • Order autumn bulbs.