Hi! I'm Heather O!
I shoot straight. I'm a "tell it how it is" girl. And I love a resource that gets me to where I want to go asap. If I want a delicious recipe on butternut squash soup -- just give me the recipe ... not 14 photos of your cloth napkins swaddling your bowl and your baby's fingertips tearing apart the bread. (Am I Right!?)
I grow things. My family and I tend to everything on our little New England plot of dirt. We grow our own food, harvest our own peaches, brussel sprouts, and blueberries (I do live in Maine, after all).
And we use them all in every day food practices. I've been perfecting garden-to-table recipes for a decade. And all kid friendly ... because, did I mention …
I grow people. I'm a mom of 4. We do the soccer gambit and homeschool and homemade pizza nights. We major on inclusivity and patient parenting. We slow down long enough to look at our kids and their actions with a big dose of understanding.
I advocate for families who need natural solutions. We had big opportunities to exercise faith when our youngest was born at 27 weeks. As you can imagine, I delved hard into the world of hospitals, healthcare, advocacy. I knew how the nurses took their coffee and which of our physician's grandkids were in little league. We learned a tender balance between medical intervention and holistic health.
And now, I teach loads of other families how to live well, how to use natural supports for their health, and I even coach those who are interested in learning how to do what I do. Educate. Empower.
That's a little about me. I'd love to learn about you!
I have always been interested in health and well-being. As I aged, and started a family, I began questioning the quality of products that I used on, in, or around my body, including food.
Loving the act of gardening, I continued to expand on my garden and plant knowledge. The simple process of planting and tending brought much needed peace to my soul, especially after suffering with postpartum depression after my second child was born. The earth was so healing and grounding and I started to expand my education into the healing properties of plants themselves.
Changing our intake of food to fight dis-ease instead of feeding it, managing emotions and moods, and supporting our immunity through our gut was just the beginning.
This took digging, literally and figuratively. Scientific knowledge was not easily accessible to learners on the subject and most education was based around opinions — which is why my focus is on science-based research and data.
My goal is to make your wellness journey easily accessible and simple to implement, creating a successful natural life, with low maintenance.
“When I first became interested in gardening, Heather was an invaluable resource for me. Her knowledge was far superior to any website or blog I consulted. She gave very practical advice, such as helping me order seeds and determine which ones to start inside versus outside. She also offered input on how to design my garden, test my soil, and what would work best for watering. If I encountered any issues like weeds or pests, she knew exactly what to do. The knowledge I acquired from Heather has given me an enormous amount of respect and appreciation for people who have successful gardens year after year.”
Rivier College studies nursing
University of Southern Maine studies both psychology and education
University of Southern Maine Extension Master Gardener Program
… & i have learned more of life’s lessons through living life itself as a home-schooling mama of 4
Some more about me …
My favorite winter activity is snowshoeing.
I was born in West Virginia.
I taught 7th and 8th grade for 1 year.
I have a slight obsession with essential oils.
I really need to be convinced to watch a movie
Breakfast on Saturday is usually pancakes or waffles for the family.
I just started my journey of being a vegan in 2018.
I feel most like myself barefoot on the beach.
Jason and I met when we were both Preschool teachers in Maine.
I love yoga … but also a good dance class, although, I laugh hard and don’t have rhythm.
I have A LOT of plants, and sometimes talk to them.
I try to get rid of as many things in my house as possible with every season change.
I don’t drink coffee daily, only when I am travelling as a treat.
I went to college to become a nurse, elementary teacher and psychologist … none of which I am doing.
I could live off berries, any kind, YUMMY.
I am certified to teach swimming, gymnastics and 4-H.
The mountains have my heart …
… but the ocean is where I belong.
I was a photographer for 5 years and went to Thailand to capture the devastation.
I don't wear socks to bed and always like the fan on.
I love reading. Historical fiction melts me.
I would rather listen to a baseball game than watch it on TV.
I don’t have a favorite color; I go through phases and like them equally at different times.
I love birds. Feeding birds. Watching birds. Analyzing birds.
I played softball and ran track in high school, although someone should have saved me from the humiliation.
I am an AWFUL, with a capital A, dancer, but I can’t stop!
I don’t drink — it’s just not one of my giftings.
If you hug me, you will smell patchouli, rose and a hint of magnolia.