The Best Flowers for Attracting Hummingbirds
There are many flowers that can attract hummingbirds, but some are better at enticing these flying jewels than others.
When choosing hummingbird flowers for your garden or landscape, look for blooms with rich, bright colors (red flowers are particular hummingbird favorites), long or tapered shapes that can accommodate the hovering birds' long bills, and plentiful nectar to keep them coming back.
Native plants are always preferred because hummingbirds will be more familiar with the flowers and the plants will thrive with minimal care. Double check in your region what is native for humming birds, trust it is easier to maintain. Also, consider plants with a long bloom time or repeat blooming, which will provide a reliable food source for hummingbirds for many weeks.
The same plants loved by hummingbirds will also be attractive to butterflies, bees, and other pollinators. Check your local nursery or landscaping center for popular and appropriate cultivars for your area, and create your own hummingbird habitat today.
Diversity is Important
It is a good idea to use multiple plants in your hummingbird garden rather than relying on one or two species.
The Best Hummingbird Feeders
Bee Balm
The full spikes and spherical shape of perennial bee balm make it an interesting and attractive plant in the garden—and a magnet for hummingbirds, butterflies, and other pollinators. This flower typically grows two to four feet tall and requires dividing every three to four years. It will self-seed freely in the garden unless the flowers are dead-headed after they bloom.
Cardinal Flower
A member of the Lobelia genus of flowering plants, the cardinal flower is a perennial form that produces long stalks of flowers growing as much as four feet tall. Its rich red blooms are delicately shaped, making it attractive both as a garden plant and as a food source for hummingbirds.
It is best positioned at the rear of mixed perennial garden beds. Mulching helps keep the soil moist and also prevents frost heaving in colder climates (north of zone 6). Cardinal flowers do not require division, but they are relatively short-lived perennials. However, it freely self-seeds and often colonizes permanently in the garden.
Zinnia are among the easiest of all annual flowers to grow, with bright bloom colors that make them a favorite of hummingbirds and other pollinators. Most garden zinnias are cultivars of a few species within the Zinnia genus, especially the common zinnia. There are literally hundreds of cultivars available, categorized by groups according to their growth habit and flower shape.
Heights range from six inches to about four feet, and flower colors are available in nearly every hue. After the hummingbirds have had their fill of the nectar, seeds will develop as the flowers mature, attracting finches and other seed-loving birds. Zinnias also make wonderful cut flowers.
They like moist soil, but they can be susceptible to fungal diseases in humid conditions or when the foliage gets wet during watering.1 Give the plants plenty of space to encourage air circulation and avoid overhead watering.
The Salvia has tall spikes of small, delicate flowers make salvia great plants for the backs or centers of flowerbeds. Perennial salvia flowers emerge in mid-summer and bloom through late summer. They will bloom repeatedly if kept moist. This clump-forming plant grows 18 to 36 inches tall, requires no division, and steadily increases in size over time. It is a very easy plant to grow.
Bleeding Heart
A stunning perennial plant with attractive foliage and dangling, heart-shaped blooms in white or pink, bleeding hearts perform best in cooler climates and lightly shaded locations. They grow 24 to 36 inches tall and can be divided for transplanting as they lengthen. Foliage may turn yellow and die back in the heat of summer, but the plants reliably return each spring. This plant likes moist soil, but it must also be well-drained to prevent root rot.
Butterfly Bush
True to its name, this deciduous flowering shrub is as good for attracting butterflies as it is for attracting hummingbirds. The thick, elongated clusters of flowers will bloom repeatedly from mid-summer through fall.
This is a drought-tolerant plant that thrives in full sun and develops into a thick, luxurious shrub over time, attracting more hummingbirds and providing great shelter for different types of birds.
Trumpet Creeper
Also called trumpet vine or hummingbird vine, this plant can quickly overpower a small area and will climb on many surfaces, including arbors, fences, and trees. It has dense foliage and its long, tubular flowers are perfect for hummingbirds. It thrives best in full sun to partial shade, but beware of its invasive properties and aggressive growth. Frequent pruning is necessary to keep this plant from overwhelming a garden or escaping into surrounding areas.
Wild lupines do not perform well in home gardens, but many hybrids have been developed that make excellent, though short-lived, garden perennials. This early-blooming flower is ideal for attracting spring hummingbirds before other flowers have emerged and when insect food sources may still be scarce.
Plants typically grow three to four feet tall with spikes of dense flowers, although there are also dwarf varieties available that stay under two feet tall. No division is necessary, but they need to be replanted every three years or so. In hotter climates, lupines are often grown as annuals.
There are several species within the Aquilegia genus that are used as garden perennials, but even more important are the many cultivars and hybrids developed from these species. Columbine is most often used as an edging plant around fences and flower beds. It grows from one to three feet high, depending on the variety. Removing the flower stems after blooming will prompt additional flowers.
Petunias are one of the most popular of all annual flowers since they are very easy to grow and quite inexpensive. They work well in just about any sunny garden location and are also favorites for containers, borders, and baskets in small spaces. The flower thrives best in full sun and will bloom repeatedly, providing abundant nectar for hungry hummingbirds.